Friday, August 14, 2015


You are feeling depressed, uncomfortable, and disgusted with the way you look. I have been in your shoes. You eat because you're bored, depressed, or just because its something social to do. Then you feel even worse! WELL PUT  THOSE CHIPS DOWN NOW! 

The desire to be healthier and skinnier needs to be stronger than your horrible habits! First you need to set a short term goal. In a month you want to lose 8 pounds which is healthy. 1-2lb a week is steady healthy weight loss. Then you need an ultimate goal and deadline that's realistic. 

Eating healthy sounds easy but its not in the beginning. You should only eat lean proteins (fish, chicken breast, ground turkey, ground sirloin). For starches sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa. Vegetables are free range but limit your corn intake. 

Exercise needs to be top priority as well. 30 minutes of some cardio 4xs a week is great! 
Add some weight lifting in there after cardio with even furthermore your weight loss and tighten lose skin as you lose as well. ill add more details later in a blog

you wont get anywhere if you aren't consistent with these changes. but don't deprive yourself either. if you say i cant have something then chances are you will binge hardcore. 

If you're going to do this you need to say THE TIME IS NOW! stop wishing and start doing. you wont get where you want to be sitting on the couch with those chips and pop. Seriously go put some tennis shoes on and go for a walk at least!

until next time... 

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